Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cooking with the ladyfriend

Spiced (cayenne, chili pepper, garlic salt, cumin, onion powder, seasoned salt) chicken with honey. Broccoli. Smashed baby red potatoes with olive oil and rosemary. An excellent wheat ale from Chicago. We was hungry. We ate. It was delicious.
I would have had more usable pictures, but it was so good that we ate it in nearly record time, and it ended up being pretty late so we also cleaned up in record time. And also, the battery was dead when I went to start shooting so ... I missed a lot of the prep work.Needless to say ... it was delicious.

And also, the beer was fantastic. Goose Island 312. If you like wheat ales, you will enjoy this a lot.

And also also, we've been romantically watching Mythbusters again, so it's taken me forever to get this written. I didn't even do a lot of writing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo from work

I didn't post anything yesterday as I was a bit busy. Date with my ladyfriend, then we tried to watch a movie, but the disc they sent me was cracked so we just ended up watching Mythbusters and falling asleep. Romantic, huh?

Anyway I have been very busy at work today - we have a bunch of new teas coming in and one of my responsibilities is photographing them for the website. So I will share one with you. This tea isn't available yet, but when it is I will post a link to it here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh hey, my cat!

Oh hey, how have I not posted a picture of my cat yet? I promise this is not going to be a gratuitous cat picture blog. But it's a picture from today! Anyway, meet Hobo. She is awesome.

I won't post any pictures of her for a while, just as a show of confidence.

Productive Day

Wow. Finally handled my Round-Tuit list. A few things anyway. Broke down several of the large (empty) cardboard boxes that have been occupying more than a little space in my bedroom. Purchased a few things I kept forgetting to buy (handheld Swiffer, cat fur slidy picker-upper thing, Draino for my bathroom sink, Brita filters, etc.) It felt so good to knock off those items! Plus I folded a metric shit-ton of laundry, and dusted with the aforementioned swiffer.

Today: Great Success!

Maybe a photo later.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rain in Boston

This was taken last spring in Boston. I was waiting to meet a friend of mine, and suddenly the sky just opened up.

And one more...

Here we have a shot of my tea kettle. I had just received my macro filters and spent a good deal of time running around taking very close up pictures of things that not even I really care about.

A picture!

So here is the first image - I actually took this one about a year ago - I just wanted to get something put up here. For the most part, expect a lot of older photos at first while I get my feet wet with Blogger and play with layout, etc.

So it begins

I am going to force myself to take and post (at least) one photo every day that I am proud of. I may also occasionally talk about things. Good times, my friends. Good times indeed.